UC Essential Needs Consortium FY24-25 Salons & Learning and Action Cohorts
Join Us In Comm-UNITY!
Please join us for continuing a series of generative spaces to learn, explore timely issues, and map possibilities as we invite creativity and collective insights into our shared space. The CEJA UC ENC Salon Series as well as Housing and Student Billing Services focused Learning and Action Cohorts intersect with ongoing essential needs issues including food, housing, case management, population specific interventions, and more! Each session will be approximately 75 minutes in length, recorded, and include a shared google doc agenda as well as relevant templates and resources. Please register for each session you would like to attend through the calendly platform located at the bottom of the previous page and we will send you a zoom invite for the specific sessions you select ahead!
For the On-Campus and Off-Campus Housing Learning & Action Cohorts each cohort has a 3 meeting cycle so please register for all three meetings to participate fully. For the spring Student Billing Cohort please register for both meetings for the two part series.
For any questions please email Education and Training Co-Director, Tim Galarneau, at tgalarne@ucsc.edu
On Campus Housing Learning & Action Cohort
On Campus Housing (Learning & Action Cohort Part 1)
- Date: 11/14/24
- Time:11:00AM-12:15PM
- Brief Overview: Please join us for our UC village kick-off for developing campus equity centered housing plans and interventions. Participants will be oriented to a template plan to work across two additional sessions to design the internal campus proposal and sharing process alongside a participatory input process to advance your success.
On Campus Housing Learning & Action Cohort (Part 2)
- Date: 12/12/24
- Time: 11:00AM-12:15pm
Brief Overview: Please join us for our 2nd cohort session developing campus equity centered housing plans and interventions. Participants will be reviewing their draft template plan and mapping the internal campus proposal and sharing process action steps. We’ll center a process that is inclusive and participatory to advance your success.
On Campus Housing Learning & Action Cohort (Part 3)
- Date: 1/16/25
- Time: 11:00AM-12:!5PM
Brief Overview: This concluding session in the 3 part series sets the stage for campus level action steps and work toward advancing site level student housing equity plans and steps across the UC. We will highlight and share the status of campus plans, identify needs for more nuanced campus level support, and affirm steps ahead through winter and spring to foster a supportive environment for on campus student housing developments that center equity and care
Off Campus Learning & Action Cohort
Off Campus Housing and Community Learning & Action Cohort (Part 1)
- Date: 1/9/25
- Time: 11:00AM-!2:15pm
Brief overview: Please join us for a UC Village kick-off of our offsite housing and student support intervention series. This series will focus on lifting promising practices for Rapid Rehousing to community housing support initiatives. Campus participants will asset map their current resource and support landscape, develop strategies to increase stakeholder partnerships, and explore emergent activities to further support UC student housing programs and services.
Off Campus Housing and Community Learning & Action Cohort (Part 2)
- Date: 2/12/25
- Time: 11:00AM-12:15PM
Brief overview: This session will focus on reviewing and identifying gaps in campus to community housing support asset mapping. Through spotlighting high impact programming, services, and resources UC campus sites will discuss strategies to lean into further success and impact.
Off Campus Housing and Community Learning & Action Cohort (Part 3)
- Date: 3/20/25
- Time: 11:00AM-12:15PM
Brief overview: Our final convening in this series will showcase updates and efforts regarding campus and community housing support programs and services. We will also examine current pending legislation and funding landscapes to further advance our student community housing programs and interventions for higher education.
Salon Workshops
UC EBT Retail Modernization and Site Success Feedback for FY24-25
- Date: 11/21/24
- Time: 11:00AM-12:15PM
Brief overview: This session will go over the new federal roll-out efforts in CA for EBT chip readers alongside providing an overview of steps and procedures to support success across all UC operated retail sites. Items include site staff and student staff training protocol, authorization of new sites, and the UC Multi-Store Owner processes to support site success!
Advancing Student Essential Needs Online Student Service Platform and a New Search Navigator for Student Success!
- Date: 12/5/24
- Time: 11:45AM-1:00PM
Brief overview: Come join the UC ENC platform team to share updates to the web support site as well as test the new AI LLM trained Essential Needs Search Navigator. This interactive session will help inform how to utilize our resource tools and invite feedback in order to enhance the platform and search tool. We invite all campus staff, student staff, and student government leaders to work with us on promoting the next phase of providing accessible information and support for student success!
CalFresh Onsite Promotion & EBT Marketing in the UC
- Date: 2/20/25
- Time: 11:00AM-12:15PM
Brief overview: As AB2033 goes into effect and UC campuses scale onsite EBT this session will highlight effective promotion and marketing strategies. Participants will learn of current efforts and also access supplemental design materials to connect student Calfresh users with onsite EBT retail locations.
Graduate Student Engaged Essential Needs Service and Support Programs
- Date: 3/13/25
- Time: 11:00AM-12:15PM
Brief overview: Graduate students in the UC encounter specific challenges in accessing and utilizing essential needs resources. This proactive session will explore, with guest graduate students and UC Graduate & Professional Council (UC GPC) members, ways our campuses are uplifting support as well as opportunities to deepen essential needs engagement by and for our graduate and professional students. We also will spotlight basic needs staff who are working with our students to advance more reflexive designs in essential need support programs.
Non-Resident Based UC Essential Needs Service Design and Support
- Date: 4/10/25
- Time: 11:00AM-12:15PM
Brief overview: UC campuses are cultivating a myriad range of alternative support programs for undocumented students alongside inroads for our international student populations. This session will explore campus best best practices and promising advancements in supported non-resident based student essential needs services. We will also uplift existing gaps and challenges to better understand how to address structural and service based barriers.
FY24-25 Essential Needs Policy, Legislation, and Student Engagement
- Date: 5/1/25
- Time: 11:00AM-12:15PM
Brief overview: As the FY24-25 legislative cycle moves into the Governor’s May Revise, join UCSA, UCGPC, and Essential Needs partners and advocates on promising legislation this cycle as well as implementation efforts to prior legislation that is improving student essential needs in higher education.
Student Billing Services Learning & Action Cohort
Essential Needs and Student Billing Services Learning & Action Cohort (Part 1)
- Date: 4/15/25
- Time: 11:00AM-12:15PM
Brief overview: Join UC Billing Staff, UC Basic Needs Campus Leads, and affiliated partners for a two part discussion on improving services and responses for essential need insecure students facing bill related actions that may impact other dimensions of their student experience. Attendees will identify best practices underway at some campuses while shaping a shared systemwide approach to improving guidance and support for navigating through adverse student billing scenarios.
Essential Needs and Student Billing Services Learning & Action Cohort (Part 2)
- Date: 5/15/25
- Time: 11:00AM-12:15PM
Brief overview: Join part 2 with UC Billing Staff, UC Basic Needs Campus Leads, and affiliated partners for our concluding discussion on improving services and responses for essential need insecure students facing bill related actions. Attendees will review a draft systemwide overview and give feedback on improving guidance and support for navigating through adverse student billing scenarios with essential needs impacted student populations.
Monthly UC Social Services Community Meetings
Amidst the last six years of state legislative bills advancing student essential needs there are ongoing implementation and feedback opportunities to further improve the student experience. These UC stakeholder focused monthly sessions invite professional staff, student leaders, and UC affiliates to the table to further engage our iterative efforts. To attend any one of the Spring meetings by following the zoom linked dates below.
If you would like to join one or all of these sessions please email Ruben Canedo at: elias_canedo@berkeley.edu
Thursday, November 7, 2024, 1pm-2:30
Thursday, December 5, 2024. 1pm-2:30
Thursday, January 9, 2025, 1pm-2:30
Thursday, February 6, 2025, 1pm-2:30
Thursday, March 6, 2025, 1pm-2:30
Thursday, April 3, 2025, 1pm-2:30
Thursday, May 1, 2025, 1pm-2:30
Thursday, June 5, 2025, 1pm-2:30
Thursday, July 10, 1pm-2:30